Bail bonds may be posted in the District Criminal – Traffic Division on the first floor of the Louis D. Brandeis Hall of Justice 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Property bonds are not taken after 4 p.m. Bail bonds may be posted in the Circuit Criminal Division between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.
When you post a bond, you are guaranteeing that the defendant will appear for all court appearances and abide by all non-financial conditions. Any cash or property posted is subject to forfeiture if the defendant fails to comply with all orders of the court.
There is a $25 non-refundable bond filing fee, which will be collected on any bail bond.
You must have a government-issued photo ID to post a bond. Note: You must be a resident of Kentucky to post a bond unless (1) you are posting a full cash bond, or (2) you own real estate in Kentucky and you meet the requirements to post a property bond.
Keep your receipt for the purpose of bond refund.
You can post a bond with cash, certified check or cashier’s check made payable to “David L. Nicholson, Circuit Court Clerk,” or to “Jefferson County Circuit Court Clerk.”
If a bond is posted with a certified check or cashier’s check, the person posting the bond must be the remitter/purchaser of the check.
If the money you are required to post is a percentage of the full amount of the bond, you are still responsible for the full amount of the bond.
If the defendant fails to comply with the court, you could lose the amount you posted in addition to the remaining amount of the bond.
If the defendant is found guilty, the court will keep 10 percent (but not less than $5) of the amount you posted as a service fee. If the defendant is found not guilty, the full amount of the bond will be returned to you.
Posting a Property Bond
The property must be located within the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Property located outside Jefferson County may require additional steps. The property’s assessment must be from the county in which the property is located. Processing times may vary.
We will provide certified copies of the bond papers that you must take to the County Clerk’s Office to record the lien on the property being posted (fees apply). You must be in County Clerk’s Office before 4 p.m. No liens are recorded after that time.
After the lien has been recorded on the property, you must bring the receipt from the County Clerk’s Office back to our office. We will keep the original receipt and give you a copy for your records.
We will then provide the necessary paperwork for the jail to have the defendant released from custody.
After the written court order releasing the bond is received, we will request that the County Clerk’s Office release the lien.
Documents Required to Post a Property Bond
You must provide the original deed or a copy certified by the County Clerk’s Office. All owners of the property must be present and provide a government-issued photo ID.
If any owner is deceased, you must have a death certificate for the decedent.
If you have a quit claim deed, you must have a certified copy of the deed prior to the quit claim deed.
If you are the power of attorney (POA) for the property owner, you must have a copy of the POA that gives you the authority to post the property. The POA must be recorded with the County Clerk’s Office.
You must have an original statement issued in the last 30 days for each encumbrance, lien and/or mortgage on the property showing the outstanding balance.
A Current Assessment Form issued by the Property Valuation Administrator (PVA) of the county where the property is located. The form must be signed by a PVA deputy and must be issued on the same day the bond is posted.
When Bond Has Been Refunded
Bonds will be refunded from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Bonds will not be refunded on weekends or holidays.
You must return to either the Circuit Criminal Division in Room 331 on the third floor of the Jefferson County Judicial Center, 700 W. Jefferson Street, or the District Criminal-Traffic Division in Room 1146 on the first floor of the Louis D. Brandeis Hall of Justice, 600 W. Jefferson Street, to begin the process of having a bond released or refunded. If you have posted a property bond, you do not need to return to the office as the lien will be automatically released.
You must have a government-issued photo ID and your receipt to get the bond refunded.
You can have your bond refund mailed to you. Please ask the deputy clerk for details.
Only the surety (the individual who posted the bond) is eligible for the bond refund.
All bond refunds are distributed by check by the Accounting Department.
Metro Corrections Bond Process
Defendants charged with misdemeanors can now pay their own cash bonds through the new eBond/Touch Payment System offered by the Louisville Metro Department of Corrections. Defendants who are detained at Metro Corrections on certain misdemeanor charges that have preset bond amounts may now pay that bond with a credit card or debit card soon after entering the Metro Corrections facility.
Inmates housed at Metro Corrections may also have family member and/or friends apply funds to their inmate account for the purpose of paying bond. These funds can be paid through ePay using the Site ID # 24202.
For more information, contact the Louisville Metro Department of Corrections.