Mental Health
Please be advised that due to the statutorily confidential nature of this division, photos or recordings are prohibited. Thank you for your cooperation.
Hall of Justice, 3rd Floor, Room 3177
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
(502) 595-4053
The Mental Health Division works with individuals petitioning the court for:
- Emergency or permanent guardianship of an individual who can no longer manage his or her personal care or finances.
- Involuntary commitment/treatment of an adult.
- Involuntary admission of a mentally handicapped individual.
The department handles the intake of petitions for involuntary commitment/treatment (issuance of mental health petitions), new disability petitions, modification/termination of guardianship and restoration of rights. The department also processes motions/ pleadings, annual financial reports and judicial orders.